Royal Spirulina has a dense supply of phycocyanin, a blue pigment which has the ability to limit the formation of cancer colonies. The presence of high quantities of chlorophyll within Spirulina also has an impact as studies show it has a similar inhibiting effect on cancer cells.
Studies have already shown that Spirulina has the ability to fight a type of oral cancer, oral submucous fibrosis. More research is ongoing into the powerful properties of Spirulina to battle all cancers.
Reduces “Bad” Cholesterol
Reducing unhealthy cholesterol in the body is an important part of good heart health and in some cases requires medication to control. Spirulina can play a pivotal role in helping to lower the “bad” levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides within the bloodstream.
Researchers studied randomized clinical trials (RCTs) to find what the effects of Spirulina were and discovered evidence to suggest that the supplement reduced LDL, triglycerides and the total cholesterol while simultaneously increasing levels of “good” HDL cholesterol.
Seven RCTs in total were included in the review and all showed a “significant” effect when Spirulina supplements were taken.
Promotes Healthy Weight Loss
Getting to and maintaining a healthy weight is a real battle for many but Spirulina could be the answer according to research. The two different forms of Spirulina – platensis and maxima – were both studied and showed clear signs of helping with weight loss.
Spirulina maxima helped to lower the BMI and overall weight while also helping with blood pressure and improving endothelial function. The endothelium is the lining inside the blood cells and heart, and an improvement in its function offers protective qualities for the cardiovascular system.
Spirulina platensis was demonstrated to increase the healthy flora within the digestive system and was shown to be a viable functional food for obese individuals or those with diabetes.
Balances Blood Sugar
Controlling blood sugar levels is imperative for diabetics as it helps to minimize the likelihood of suffering both short-term and long-term complications, the worst of which can be fatal. For those with Type 2 diabetes, Spirulina can help to keep blood sugar levels under control.
Researchers found that taking the supplement for two months improved the lipid profiles of diabetic patients as well as helping blood sugar levels. In some of the cases, Spirulina produced better results than the conventional medication for Type 2 diabetes, Metformin.
The conclusion of the study was that Spirulina has a “beneficial effect” for both lipid and blood sugar levels in those with Type 2 diabetes.
Boosts Muscle Strength and Physical Stamina
Spirulina contains a full complement of amino acids which immediately provide benefits for muscle growth and repair. However, with in excess of 40 nutrients found in the algae there’s a considerable enhancement of both mental and physical energy when consumed.
Researchers have found that taking Spirulina helps to boost isometric muscle strength while also enhancing stamina.
The inclusion of iron within Spirulina is another way in which it helps to support the muscles and improve levels of physical exertion. Iron is essential for red blood cells, and these are responsible for transporting oxygen around the body. Iron reserves can become depleted very quickly, especially in active people as exercise increases the rate of iron loss. Taking Royal Spirulina allows those reserves to be topped back up, ensuring that your body continues to receive the optimal supply of oxygen.
Manages Allergies
It’s easy to underestimate the effect that allergies can have on the quality of life, but with a fifth of all Americans suffering, it’s a chronic problem that is hard to resolve. Studies have suggested that Spirulina could be an effective alternative treatment for the misery of allergic rhinitis.
Allergic rhinitis is a common problem and occurs when your immune system doesn’t respond in a normal way to inhaled substances such as pollen. Going into overdrive, your body tries to eject the unwanted pollen, creating the tell-tale symptoms of sneezing and a runny nose. This is known as seasonal allergic rhinitis.
Pollen isn’t the only substance to trigger allergic rhinitis; it’s also commonly caused by dust mites, mold or pet dander. In these cases, the condition is known as perennial allergic rhinitis because it can occur all year round.
Spirulina can combat the effects of allergies of both types by inhibiting the release of histamine. Histamine is what creates the undesirable physical effects so when release is prevented, the individual is left symptom-free.
There are many different types of anemia, but they are all connected to a lack of red blood cells. Without sufficient oxygen being carried around the body, individuals can quickly become tired and lethargic and may also feel breathless. However, in many cases the single main symptoms is just fatigue which is why it can remain undetected for so long.
Red blood cells are responsible for carrying hemoglobin around to the various parts of the body. Hemoglobin a type of iron-based protein which enables oxygen to be carried effectively within the cells.
When an individual has anemia, they either fail to synthesize sufficient numbers of red blood cells in the first place or they are losing red blood cells more quickly than they can be replaced.
Spirulina supplementation, in addition to a healthy diet, can help to overcome the problems associated with anemia, regardless of the cause or type.
Protects the Liver
Your liver is one of the powerhouses in your body, filtering the blood and eliminating toxins. However, it can begin to acquire fats which is an indicator of an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and is very closely linked to metabolic syndrome. In the USA, the most common cause for chronic liver disease is non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
This is bad news for the body but there is a possible savior. Studies on animals suggested that Spirulina can provide protection for the liver. This is due to the fact that it can manufacture nitric oxide and the high levels of antioxidants it naturally contains.
Research shows that Spirulina works in a number of ways, helping to minimize lipid peroxidation, reducing inflammation in the liver, and providing additional protection against heavy metals that could damage it, such as mercury and lead.
Prevents Loss of Sight
The macula is the part of your eye which is responsible for acute vision which refers to many aspects of sight such as depth perception, sharpness and the clarity of the images you are able to see.
Age-Related Macular Degeneration is one of the main causes of blindness in the USA today, typically occurring more frequently later in life. The prevalence of this distressing conditions is on the increase as the overall age of the population rises.
A number of carotenoid pigments are present within the macular membranes within the eyes; these are known as xanthophylls (astaxanthin, zeaxanthin and lutein). These protective pigments can inhibit the degradation of the macula by inhibiting oxidation caused by UV rays. They can also reduce the risk of cataracts.
Zeaxanthin can be found in abundant quantities in Spirulina, and studies point to the algae helping to reduce the likelihood of suffering from either cataracts or macular degeneration in later years.
Reduces Stroke Risk
Strokes are the third most common cause of deaths in the USA but antioxidants can help to slash the risk. Consuming a diet that’s high in antioxidants is therefore considered to be extremely beneficial.
Spirulina can inhibit the formation of aggregates of platelets which if left unchecked can lead to a thromboembolism occurring. A study which compared the effects of different types of antioxidant intake (Spirulina, blueberries and spinach) found that Spirulina delivered the greatest neuroprotective benefit. This is believed to be due to Spirulina’s ability to flush away free radicals and minimize inflammation.
A further study carried out in Oregon State University on rats where strokes had been induced discovered that the animals which had consumed Spirulina had the smallest lesions within their brain. The differences were very significant with the brain lesions 75% smaller compared to the control group.
Stem cells in adults can be passive, not dividing unless they are stimulated by either tissue injury, disease or a need for more cells within the area of the body. As the reserves plummet as we age, it becomes almost impossible for the regeneration and repair process to continue at the same rate.
Scientists believe that although the stem cells are present all over the body, including areas such as muscle, skin, fat tissue, the brain and bone marrow, they are prevented from functioning optimally due to inflammation. High degrees of inflammation in the body can lead to neuro-inflammation, and consequently exerting a negative influence on stem cell activity.
A study was carried out to look at the effects of Spirulina when taken for 30 days. Very specifically, researchers were trying to establish whether taking Spirulina would be able to protect the neural stem cells and their ability to proliferate.
The results showed that the group who had taken Spirulina were able to minimize the damage caused by inflammation and preserve the proliferation of the stem cells.
What this means in layman terms is that the cells were able to be triggered to rejuvenate and regenerate at a greater rate than would otherwise have been the case. Put simple, Spirulina can slow down the signs of aging.
Counteracts Toxins
Spirulina is well known for its antioxidants effects but researchers also reported observing some other bioactive reactions which had the potential to counteract toxins.
There are a number of metals which are linked to health problems. These metals include arsenic, iron, lead, mercury and cadmium. Their potential adverse effects are severe and wide-ranging, including:
- Liver and kidney damage
- Inhibition of the immune system
- Carcinogenesis
- Teratogenesis
- Malfunction of the respiratory system
- Endothelial dysfunction
- High blood pressure
- Vascular disease
- Damage to the intestinal inner mucosa
A review of the available literature was carted out by scientists who found that blue-green algae such as Spirulina could provide powerful counteractive treatment to the pollutants and their toxic effects. During testing, Spirulina proved to be effective against carbon tetrachloride, hexachlorohexane and arsenic, immaterial of how much was taken, the route or the animal involved.
Combats Inflammation
During experimentation, adjuvant-induced arthritis was found to respond positively to Spirulina. The algae was able to prevent the changes which typically occur, a result which has been attributed to the anti-angiogenic and antioxidant properties of Spirulina which have been well-documented.
When the knee joint was removed and the synovial fluid examined, the results showed a marked reduction in inflammation together with no structural damage and normal cell presence. Compared to the control group, all markers had been reduced.
Promotes Beautiful Skin
Spirulina platensis has been used for centuries in parts of the world for medicinal purposes, including for their dermatological effect. With a renewed focus on identifying natural products to treat aging and disease, interest in the benefits of Spirulina has grown.
Research reveals that Spirulina platensis contains high levels of lipopolysaccharides, proteins and GLA. Further studies conducted were able to prove that Spirulina could prevent viruses from gaining entry to cells, protected wounds from bacterial colonization and had potent antioxidant qualities. It also has the potential to assist with the prevention and treatment of UV-related skin cancer (non-melanoma), oral cancer and melanoma.
All of this means that Royal Spirulina has the potential to protect the skin in a variety of ways, keeping you not only looking beautiful but well-protected too.
Supports Cardiovascular Health
Numerous reports and studies have concluded that Spirulina may have a beneficial effect on heart health. As well as regulating and improving endothelial function, Spirulina has been linked with a drop in raised blood pressure and a better lipid profile. More specifically, Spirulina is able to reduce triglycerides and LDL, the unhealthy parts of the cholesterol, while also raising HDL, the protective cholesterol element.
Improving Sexual Performance
Sexual performance is dependent on your overall health in many ways. It’s not an isolated activity and relies on having a good overall exercise ability. Spirulina can boost your exercise tolerance and improve stamina which in turn can have a positive effect between the sheets. The known effect of Spirulina on reducing lipids and inflammation can also play a contributory role in your overall performance.