The best way to explain is to compare the cost of other similar products, not only in direct pound for pound price but also in quality. Below are a few common Spirulina/Algae product prices below.

Hawaiian Spirulina: $4.54 per ounce $72.64 lb. (Whole Foods)

Whole Foods Brand: $3.00 per ounce $48.00 lb. (Whole Foods)

Spirulina Crunchies: $8.75 per ounce $140.00 lb. (Whole Foods)

Sp2Life: $4.95 per ounce $79.29 lb.

E3Live frozen AFA: $38.00 per 16 ounces, plus shipping. (Density is 4.6% algae the rest is water)

Royal Spirulina: $2.73 per ounce $43.75 per pound

The choice is clear and health is the most important wealth!

It is quality vs. quantity.

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