Royal Spirulina has a synergistic dual pathway approach to our systems. This pathway can be an inward direction as well as an outward within the body.
Depending on your diet and lifestyle, where you live and other internal factors the amounts of these pathways can vary.
On a scale from 1-10:
1 = super clean perfectly healthy, 100% raw plant organic based food, with perfect biometrics, and lived outside in sunshine in the jungle. (Yea, doesn’t apply to to many)
10 = toxic sick, 100% cooked animal foods, disease, and living in a the center of a city, no sunshine.
The person at a 1 would feel 100% beautiful energy (phycocyanin) almost instantly. They would feel a clean high with no side effects or disruptions internally. The nutrients would enter and feed the cells, (inward cellular direction).
The person at a 10 would feel 100% detox (chlorophyll) almost instantly. They would experience disruptions in the entire body. As the scrubbing and cleaning action works to clear the system. The nutrients would not enter the cells, (outward cellar direction).
A person at a 5 may or may not experience detox symptoms nor feel dramatic energy until the body moves toward a more dominant direction.
Detox symptoms can include feeling nauseous, headache, sluggish, skin rashes, diarrhea, etc.
These symptoms will subside in time as the body cleans house as long as the reintroduction of toxic substances stop. Royal Spirulina will always move a person towards a number 1. Toxic lifestyle choices will move the body towards a 10.
When detox. symptoms occur it is important to drink lots of clean water and organic citrus fruits. (Spring water in glass), get lots of good sleep and allow the body to eliminate the debris. Helping the body through colon hydrotherapy, infrared sauna, skin scrubbing, vacation to #1 locations, will help accelerate this journey.
Be sure to consume the Royal Spirulina on an empty stomach first thing in the am.
Be sure to use it all with 14 days from date of harvest if kept in the refrigerator. (Usually 12-13 days from date you receive)
Use within 3 months if frozen.
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