Royal Spirulina is a 100% truly a live whole food.
There is a huge difference between a cooked “raw” spirulina powder and fresh living spirulina. Living Spirulina contains all the essential nutrients required for humans to thrive in their bio-active form. Living Spirulina contains all the essential nutrients required for humans to thrive in their “bioactive” form. This is the key – “bioactive”. To create a spirulina powder companies use high heat spray drying machines which destroy the product removing all the life force and killing the vital nutrition. Removing the water removes life. Tests have shown a 2-3% bio-availability of powdered spirulina vs. over 95% bio-availability Living Spirulina.
Spirulina powders and supplements containing spirulina are reported to have a strong burnt taste and smell compared with our fresh Living Spirulina which has virtually no smell or taste. Dried spirulina products are created using extremely high heat, which degrades the vitamins, minerals, and protein, making fresh living extremely more nutritious.
Spirulina powders are not fresh by any stretch of the imagination. We had traced some batch numbers back 10 years ago when they were produced. Fresh Living Spirulina also provides greater creativity in how you can incorporate it into your meal.
All powdered spirulina is dead and not whole. The term “raw” spirulina powder is an oxymoron. “Raw” means uncooked and unprocessed. The process of creating a powder of any kind means some level of heat (generally high heat) and processing is applied to extract the water.
Royal Spirulina is not processed, heated, cooked, dehydrated, spray dried, sun-dried, pelletized, pasteurized, irradiated, or centrifuged. It is complete whole living food kept the way nature intended.
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