Spirulina and nursing mothers – the perfect supplement.
Dr Cath February 6, 2013 Spirulina and nursing mothers – the perfect food.
A very good friend of mine just give birth to a baby girl named Delia. She is just the cutest baby ever! My friend asked me if she can continue to take Spirulina as she plans to breastfeed her baby girl. The answer is a resounding YES!!
Nursing moms should really pay attention to what they eat. Indeed, their diet while breastfeeding is key to a healthy baby!
Okay, it is true that, even if mothers don’t have the perfect diet, their breast milk will probably meet their baby’s basic nutritional needs. But this is only true to a certain extent! Did you know that if your diet is very low in calories or has a major deficiency it will greatly impact the quality and quantity of your milk.
If you don’t get the nutrients you need with a healthy and balanced diet, your body will draw into its reserve until they are completely depleted. Of course, if your body doesn’t have the proper nutrition then you won’t have the energy and stamina you need to take care of your new baby!
This is where Spirulina can help. Big time! Spirulina is a super-rich food that has a lot of benefits for our human organism. It supplies vitamins, anti-oxidant, proteins, healthy fat, etc, nourishing the body on a cellular level.
You’ll also be happy that it can increase the IQ of your baby too! Read this post for more info on that topic.
Talking about healthy fat, have you heard about GLA?
GLA stands for Gamma-Linolenic Acid, it is an omega-6 fatty acid that is found mostly in plant-based oils. Omega-6 fatty acids are considered essential fatty acids: they are necessary for human health however the body can’ t make them – this is why you HAVE to get them through your nutrition. Omega-6 fatty acids, along with omega-3 fatty acids play a crucial role in brain function as well as normal breastfeeding growth and development for the fetus and the baby. Make sure you obtain a good, high-quality source of these fatty acids during your pregnancy and while breast-feeding.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids help to stimulate skin and hair growth, maintain bone health, regulate metabolism, and maintain the reproductive system.
Aside from human breast milk and evening primrose, Spirulina is the only other food source rich in GLA. The GLA content comprises 25% of the total polyunsaturated fatty acid content of Spirulina, a number that is much higher than the GLA content of evening primrose oil (only 7%)!
The Importance of GLA is not only for nursing mothers!
GLA is an essential fatty acid that has numerous benefits to the body. Along with omega-3 fatty acids, GLA has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Both fatty acids are excellent for preventing and treating skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, wrinkles, rashes, and more.
Research has confirmed that GLA has positive effects in breast cancer treatment; they enhance lubrication in those with Sjogren’s syndrome; help relieve PMS symptoms, breast pain, skin conditions (including eczema and psoriasis, and wrinkles), and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in children; improves cardiovascular health, mental health; and much more!
A British study published in 2000 observed women who had locally advanced and metastatic breast cancer (when cancer cells spread elsewhere in the body). The study found that women with breast cancer who were taking Tamoxifen (a drug that blocks estrogen-receptor-positive breast cancer) and those who received GLA demonstrated faster clinical response than those just taking Tamoxifen alone. Study participants received 3 grams of GLA. The researchers concluded that GLA was a useful adjunct to primary Tamoxifen treatment with no serious side effects: “… this study suggests high-dose oral GLA be a valuable new agent in the treatment of hormone-sensitive breast cancer.”
Childbirth & Spirulinanutrition_balance
Childbirth is one of the most tiring stages in any woman’s life. While it is important to have a wholesome diet, it is also crucial that nutrients be easily absorbed into the system. Spirulina can help there too! Its rich protein content (nearly 70%) has a perfectly balanced amino acid profile that ensures proper utilization assimilation of the food consumed. Its natural iron and folic acid improve hemoglobin levels in the blood. Iron deficiency anemia in mothers and children is the most prevalent nutritional disorder.
Pregnant women need Spirulina’s extra easy-to-digest protein and bioavailable iron, without additional saturated fats. In India and Vietnam, it’s prescribed for pregnant and nursing mothers as Spirulina increases lactation in nursing mothers.
Children & Spirulina
Parents are often surprised at how their children enjoy spirulina. Children like to suck on tablets and many enjoy munching on spirulina-covered popcorn. Often a jar of tablets may have to be hidden just like a jar of cookies. Children often display a big green smile.
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